
Waterjet machining is the fastest and most economical way to cut odd shapes (especially in large quantities) from virtually any material.  While not quite as accurate as machining, our CNC waterjet is capable of holding +/- .010 on smaller parts and +/- .010 over the entire 60" x 120" cutting area.  However, for dimensions or surface requiring tight tolerances or nice machined finishes (we can leave material for post machining), the waterjet is a superior machine for getting your parts done in a very efficient way and for saving you money.

Waterjet machining uses a combination of an abrasive (usually garnet) and high pressure water to cut.  Our Techjet 3000 cuts at 55,000 psi which allows us to cut almost any material and up to 6 inches thick (depending on material being cut).

Let us know if we can help save you money on getting parts done.

We can make your parts look great by running them in the time saver and graining part surfaces, if requested.