
Our grinding dept.

  • Our rotary grinding is the best way to get your parts flat and parallel. The 52" 100hp Mattison is a great way to get your parts done fast.
    • The 36" Blanchard grinder takes care of your parts in a hurry.
    • The baby Blanchard 16" grinding is for smaller parts.
  • Also in the grind shop is centerless grinding.
    • The royal master takes the small parts with no problems .03/.750.
    • The big Cincinnati centerless takes over at .750/4.00

Surface grinding

  • The 30x100 mattision grinder will get your parts done. Great for shear blades, die plates and molds plates.
  • Heald 273a for OD/ID grinding.
  • CNC OD grinding on our welden grinder 12x18 holds .00005.
  • The Okamoto OD/ID grinder is 14x60.

Let us know if we can help you with your grinding needs.